A Real Educator of Art: Rajendra Prasad
Mr. Rajendra Prasad, a resident of Mujaffarpur (Bihar-India), is a devoted art-enthusiast. He has been in the field of art-photography for over two decades and has broad experience in this area. He masters over digital imaging. Mr. Prasad has an obsession for sharing his knowledge on photography through teaching and writing. He has trained a number of photo-enthusiasts through his workshops in numerous cities of India. His articles on photography have been published in well-regarded magazines and journals. He has also published an e-book “An Introduction to Digital Photography”. He has given talks on photography at Doordarshan as well. His photographs have won many laurels in different photographic competitions. Mr. Prasad has been invited as judge in various reputed contests. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain has honored him with its Associateship. His other hobbies are electronics and painting. He works in State Bank of India.
This is worth mentioning that Mr. Rajendra Prasad has been contributing his articles on image-editing in the most elegant magazine of the country, Smart Photography, regularly.
--Dr. Pankaj Sharma